Lowellyne James, PhD – More than 20 years


Quality and Safety Management expertise in the Manufacturing Sector to Advertising Management. Thought and Course Leader for the MSc Quality Management program at the Aberdeen Business School. An Ambassador of the Chartered Management Institute. Founding Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland Advisory Panel on Sustainability Activities. Sustainability emphasis on small and medium sized enterprises is focused on four key areas Innovation Impact, Cost Impact, Environmental Impact, and Stakeholder Impact. Pioneering work resulted in development the world’s first accredited ©Certificate in Sustainability Strategy and dual certification The W. Edwards Deming Institute® Sustainability Strategy Program. Performs Subject Matter Expert book reviews on behalf of the Chartered Quality Institute, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, and Chartered Management Institute. Topics encompass international requirements documents and agreements, roles of government policy, and proposed strategic models for implementation using case study results.

* © Centre for Sustainable Action – New 2020 *

Dr. Lowellyne James and his partner Ms Sian Young CHC  have launched the Centre for Sustainability Action, an organisation based on cooperative principles, dedicated to the implementation of sustainable best practices by individuals and small businesses.  www.SustainableAction.center

The Centre includes a Learning Management System (LMS) for hosting online webinars and courses. contact@sustainableaction.center


IEMA Approved Certificate in Sustainability Strategy

* Out Now *

“Sustainability Footprints in SMEs: Strategy and Case Studies for Entrepreneurs and Small Business” www.wiley.com/buy/9781118779439

Contact (Wales, UK)

Date posted: June 12, 2017 | Author: