Linda S. Williams – More than 30 Years
Expertise performing as principle oversight engineer in corporate quality and safety management systems, nuclear plant build site quality assurance/quality control/inspection/testing, project management, planning, auditing, configuration management, quality program startups, corrective action programs, operations analysis, supply chain oversight, and requirements compliance. Demonstrated skills interfacing with all levels of management and base of specialty contractors. Familiar with Chinese culture (studied Mandarin) and worked extensively with Chinese regulators, regulations, and industry practices (three years in China). Performed as principal quality and safety oversight engineer at two nuclear power plant (NPP) build sites in China (Sanmen Units 1 & 2 – Haiyang Units 1 & 2). Sanmen unit 1 was the first of 4 units to begin official power operations in 2018. Working knowledge of U.S. NRC 10CFR50 Appendix B, U.S. NRC 10 CFR Part 52, U.S. ASME NQA-1, U.S. DOE Orders, ASTM, ANSI, ISO9001, ASME Sections IX & XI, numerous applicable codes, standards, and guidelines.
Sectors | Segments | Applications
Complex operations and programs encompassing nuclear power plant design/construction, engineered safety-related systems and equipment, government nuclear waste management, supply chain oversight, custom manufacturing, materials testing, and translator for Chinese programs (Mandarin).
Clients | Companies
- Savanah River Nuclear Solutions, U.S. DOE, Aiken, South Carolina
- Westinghouse Nuclear, Southern Nuclear, Vogtle AP1000 NPPs Units 3 & 4, U.S.
- Westinghouse Nuclear, China National Nuclear Corporation, Sanmen & Haiyang AP1000 NPPs Oversight, Shanghai, China
- Westinghouse Nuclear Corporate, U.S.
- Jinzhou Medical College, English Professor, China
- Entergy Nuclear Operations
- AmerenUE at Callaway NPP
- Kansas U.S. DOT Materials Laboratory
- Coachmen Industries