James D. Jones, PhD – More than 38 Years


Expertise in project management, systems analysis and design, programming, accounting, financial systems, software evaluation and acquisition, and professor of computer science. Invited speaker at multiple prestigious research universities (Stanford, Ohio State, others). Published thirty-six papers in high quality journals and for international conferences. Research applied in artificial intelligence techniques to deception detection, social network analysis, and enterprise information systems. Topic areas include knowledge representation, expert systems, knowledge-based systems, artificial intelligence, logic programming, and non-monotonic reasoning. Programming languages include C++, COBOL, Assembly, Prolog, Natural, SAS, Lisp, and Visual Basic. Instructor Specialties in programming, theory of programming languages, database, data structures, artificial intelligence, data communications, and architecture.


Traditional contracts, plus novel applications of artificial intelligence, to the fields of intelligence, counter-terrorism, homeland security, network routing, automated reasoning systems, and agent-based systems. Pursuing consulting or direct key position with government entities, defense organizations, law enforcement agencies, and cyber-security firms, and private consulting/contractor firms.



  • Liberty University, Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Angelo State University, Associate Professor Computer Science
  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
  • Wright State University, Assistant Professor, Management Information Systems
  • New Mexico State University, Instructor/Researcher, PhD student in Computer Science


  • University of North Texas, Systems Analyst/Project Team Leader
  • Texas Woman’s University, Programmer/Analyst
  • Skandia Roof Tile, Accountant
  • Denton State School, Accountant

Contact (VA)

Date posted: June 14, 2017 | Author: