Statement of Use (News, Documents, Articles)– Advisors agree on the benefits of maintaining awareness of news, trends, issues, documents, events, & articles that add value to their body of knowledge. We agree it is worth the time & effort to post such timeless materials on behalf of the authors & publishers as a means of offering another outlet for their readers & researchers. GQM has no intentions of profit, to compete, or breach copyright provisions, but merely provide an opportunity for insights we consider value added to those who are Quality Focused.
Timeline 1900 ~ 2020 Quality’s Pathway to Leadership ~ QC | QA | QM | QL & The CQO
2024, June 10 | Paul W. Gladieux CEO | CQO | Founder, Global Quality Management Advisors Since 1991
'The Management of Quality' in the U.S. has a definitive path encompassing four phases beginning in 1900 as the Industrial Revolution & mass production emerged. From 'Self-Inspection' to Quality Leadership, the number of events, requirements documents, & thought leaders formed the basis for the Quality Management Profession & Quality Management System implementations. The four disciplines QC, QA, QM, QL & now the obvious need for CQOs in The Boardroom provide the opportunity to enhance operational effectiveness & excellence.Timeline 1960 ~ 2020 U.S. Nuclear Quality Management
2018, November 07 | Paul W. Gladieux Founder | CEO, Global Quality Management Advisors Since 1991
Events that Shaped the U.S. Nuclear Energy Segment between 1960 ~ 2020. The 1984 U.S. NRC NUREG-1055 Report to Congress is Still the Most Valuable Lessons Learned publication to Improve Design | Build Efforts Today. The U.S. NRC Wants Industry Leaders to Leverage from the Report. GQM Advisors new NMS Advisor course provides a Look at the Past with Recommendations for Future 'Problem Prevention' measures.Timeline 1960 ~ 2020 U.S. Quality Management & Nuclear Quality Management
2018, November 07 | Paul W. Gladieux, Founder | CEO, Global Quality Management Advisors Since 1991
Describes the Evolution of Quality Management & Nuclear Quality Management. It delineates Events that Shaped the Global Quality Discipline and Specific Events that Shaped the U.S. Nuclear Energy Segment. Major Shifts occurred and Additional Requirements Documents in the 1980s Increasing Complexities Throughout the Nuclear Industry. Our White Paper 'What Executives Should Know about the Management of Nuclear Quality' November 2018 Provides Valuable Insights.Timeline 1900 ~ 2020 U.S. General Quality and Safety Management
2017, June 10 | Paul W. Gladieux, Founder | CEO, George J. Toly, Senior Advisor GQM Advisors Since 1991
Overview of Significant Events that Shaped U.S. Quality & Safety Management 1900 - 2020.Global Nuclear Energy – The Race 2017
2017, December 23 | GQM Advisors, Paul W. Gladieux
Research | Commitment | Strategy | Investors | Owners | Designers | Builders | Operators | Suppliers - SAFETY - QUALITY - COMPLIANCEU.S. Nuclear Power Industry, “The Renaissance – Back to the Future” Power Point 2009
2009 September | Presentation ASQ Portland, OR, GQMassciates, Paul W. Gladieux, Founder | CEO
Power Point look ahead for the U.S. Nuclear Energy Segment.Report to U.S. Congress 1984, NUREG-1055, Improving Quality & the Assurance of Quality in the Design & Construction of Nuclear Power Plants 1984
1984 May | W. Altman, T. Ankrum, W. Brach, US NRC Div. QA, Safeguards, & Inspection Programs (Office of Inspection & Enforcement)
At the request of Congress, U.S. NRC conducted a study of existing & alternative programs for improving quality & the assurance of quality in the design & construction of commercial nuclear power plants. A primary focus of the study was to determine the underlying causes of major quality-related problems in the construction of some nuclear power plants & the untimely detection & correction of these problems. NOTE: Link to PDF available on U.S. NRC website (29.9 MB)