Nuclear Segments

ADVICE Our collective expertise in the fast-emerging nuclear energy sector in the 1960s began in 1974 during the first design, build, operational startup of the U.S. commercial fleet.  Advisors offer support in an unmatched collective body of knowledge exceeding 950 years encompassing all aspects of design, procurement, construction, programs, operations, third-party oversight, modular fabrications, assessments, surveillance, and waste management.

SUPPORT We understand and assist owners, operators, contractors, and suppliers achieve compliance with requirements.  Our working knowledge encompasses the entire existing U.S. Fleet (large NPPs), U.S. DOE National Laboratories (almost all sites), U.S. DOE Nuclear Waste Sites (including Tank Farms), Small Modular Reactor (SMR) new designs / startups such as NuScale Power, BWXT mPower, and Terra Power.  Support expertise is not limited to the following.

  • Environmental Compliance
  • Top & Upper Management Guidance
  • Nuclear & Personnel Safety
  • General Regulatory Compliance
  • QL, QM, QA, QC Disciplines
  • Quality Program Manual Development & Upgrades
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Policy / Procedure / Instruction Writing
  • Supplier Evaluations & Audits
  • Employee Concern Programs
  • Inspection & On-site Surveillance
  • Project Quality Planning / Scheduling
  • Research – Trends / News / Requirements
  • Corrective Action Programs
  • Remote (e-Audits & e-Assessments)
  • Industry Codes – ASME, ASCE, AWS, ASNT, API, EERI
  • Quality & Auditor Training
  • Nuclear Information Management Systems
  • Third Party Oversight & Special Projects
  • Interpretation – Language / Regulations / Standards

If we cannot provide support, we will locate a qualified source that meets your needs.



Member Since 1984